Three days meditation on OM

Day 1

Start 10 A.M.

  1. Touch the spot about an inch below the navel – tense the muscles and keep the attention on it. [5 minutes]
  2. Breathe OM naturally on the in and out breaths- feel the breath is there at the navel point. [10mins]
  3. Carry on as in the previous one but there is an OM in light on the navel point. It blazes more brightly with each breath. [15mins]

Comment: The point below the navel is called the manipura in the Indian tradition, that is the city of the jewel, – and in the Chinese and the Japanese tradition it is called the field of the elixir or the ocean of energy. This centre has been studied in Japan especially. The purpose is to provide strength.

It is a real thing unlike, say imagining yourself being carried, lying down, in a river with willow trees along the sides. Once this is developed it changes the life. The yoga practice is a most important one. Its purpose is to give strength.

BREAK 10 Minutes (from 10.40 to 10.50 approx.)

  1. Focus on the forehead between the eyebrows. To the left is the minister of the exterior, to the right the minister of the interior: free of both is the central spot.

[ 10 mins]

  1. Without strain there is a moon on the forehead. [10 mins]
  2. There is an OM in white on the moon. [15 mins]

BREAK for tea or coffee 30 minutes [11.30 – 12.00 approx.]

  1. Sitting in your room. The room is on fire and everything is going up in flames. Then your body too catches fire and goes up in flames. [15 Mins]
  2. An OM of the colour of the moon in the forehead. [20mins]

BREAK FOR LUNCH [12.35 – 2pm approx.]


  1. OM in light in the navel. It brightens as you breathe naturally. [10 minutes)
  2. There is a calm sea below the heart centre. [10 minutes]
  3. There is a lotus in the calm water. [5minutes]

BREAK 5mins

  1. OM in light standing on the lotus in the heart centre. [20 minutes]
  2. Light in the pit of the throat shining up and shining down. [10mins]

BREAK 5mins

  1. OM in light in the throat. [10mins]
  2. OM in moonlight in the forehead. [5mins]
  3. Line of light from the top of the forehead to the navel. [ 10mins]
  4. You are the light of OM and it is you: dot on the crown of the head, crescent in the forehead, & the curves on the chest and the right arm. [20minutes]

End at 4pm approx.


Start 10 A.M.

  1. Touch the spot about an inch below the navel – tense the muscles and keep the attention on it. [5 minutes}
  2. Recite OM 12 times feeling it in the pit of the throat. Then sit feeling the peace of OM. [about 10 minutes]
  3. Breathe OM naturally on the in and out breaths- feel the breath is there at the navel point. [10mins]
  4. Carry on as in the previous one but there is an OM in light on the navel point. It blazes more brightly with each breath. [15mins]

BREAK 10 Minutes (from 10.40 to 10.50 approx.)

  1. Focus on the forehead between the eyebrows. To the left is the minister of the exterior, to the right the minister of the interior: free of both is the central spot.

[ 10 mins]

  1. Without strain there is a moon on the forehead. [10 mins]
  2. There is an OM in white on the moon. [15 mins]

BREAK for tea or coffee 30 minutes [11.30 – 12.00 approx.]

  1. Sitting in your room. The room is on fire and everything is going up in flames. Then your body too catches fire and goes up in flames. [15 Mins]
  2. An OM of the colour of the moon in the forehead. [20mins]

BREAK FOR LUNCH [12.35 – 2pm approx.]


  1. OM in light in the navel. It brightens as you breathe naturally. [10 minutes)
  2. There is a calm sea below the heart centre. [10 minutes]
  3. There is a lotus in the calm water. [5minutes]

BREAK 5mins

  1. OM in light standing on the lotus in the heart centre. [20 minutes]
  2. Light in the pit of the throat shining up and shining down. [10mins]

BREAK 5mins

  1. OM in light in the throat. [10mins]
  2. OM in moonlight in the forehead. [5mins]
  3. Line of light from the top of the forehead to the navel. [ 10mins]
  4. You are the light of OM and it is you: dot on the crown of the head, crescent in the forehead, & the curves on the chest and the right arm. [20minutes]

End at 4pm approx.

Day 3

  1. Listen to Power beyond the mind part 1.”
  2. See OM in light on a blue lotus in the heart centre – without trying to impose our own form on the OM. ( 5 minutes)
  3. See OM in the sun at dawn in the blue sky. The Om is almost the same colour as the sun.

(7 minutes)

BREAK: 10 Minutes.

  1. See OM in light in the heart centre – then suddenly forget all the things that we carry ” Iam a woman (or a man), with such a history, such a character”, forget it all and become the true Atman – OM shining in the sun. ( 10 minutes)
  2. Throw bombs of light from a high hill. Boys and even birds have an impulse to throw things down when they are at a height. He also said that it was an expression of freedom. Another expression of the impulse to be free is one that is common with prisoners, they want to climb. (5 minutes)
  3. Place one word in the heart centre. For some of us this word is OM, otherwise it should be a word that we can feel devotionally at home with, such as Jesus, or Krishna. Swami Shivananda’s meditation on Krishna at the beginning of his edition of the Bhagavad Gita is a good example. ( 7 minutes).


Break for Lunch: an hour and a half including a walk or a rest for those who feel tired.

  1. Listen to Power beyond the mind part 2.”
  2. Recite OM 27 times feeling it at the throat and going down through the whole body. (About 5minutes)
  3. Press the point below the navel, for a couple of moments until we can feel an after-sensation clearly. Do not press too hard but enough to feel a definite focus. Then recite OM together 9 times feeling the sound coming from the navel. (About 3 minutes)
  4. Press the heart centre so that we can quite easily focus on it. Recite Om nine times feeling the sound to be coming from there. (About 3 minutes)
  5. Press between the eyebrows and again repeat Om 9 times feeling it to come from there. (About 3 minutes)
  6. Then on the whole line in the centre between the eyebrows down to the navel point, recite OM 18 times feeling its vibration alone that centre line, like a cello. (About 4 minutes)

BREAK: 15 Minutes.

  1. Listen to Power beyond the mind part 3.”
  2. Write Oms on paper. (30 Minutes)
  3. Forgiveness given and asked.
  4. Burning.

Tea and Discussion for 1 Hour.

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