Yoga Sutra 2.16 the pain not yet come

Sūtra II.16

What is to be escaped is the pain not yet come

Pain which has passed, which has been exhausted by being lived through, is not in the category of the escapable, and present pain has attained its moment of experience and is not to be escaped in some other moment. So it is only pain not yet come, which afflicts the yogin sensitive as an eyeball, that is to be escaped.

Unless the patient too is included in the four-fold classification of disease, etc., the medical classic with its goal of health will not be complete in its four parts; here too, unless the one who escapes is included in the four-fold classification beginning with what is to be escaped, the work on right vision, whose fruit is release, will not be complete. Beginning with what is to be escaped, therefore, The four parts of the work are now explained, in what follows.

What is to be escaped is the pain not yet come. Pain which has passed which is gone, which belonged to a birth before the present one, which has been exhausted by being lived through and has passed away is not in the category of the escapable. It has died away simply of itself. and present pain in whatever life has attained its moment of experience, it has attained the state of being experienced in the course of the present moment; that pain is not to be escaped in some other moment. It goes of itself by being experienced, and there is no hope of escaping it in some other moment. So it is only pain not yet come pain in lives to come immediately after death which afflicts the yogin sensitive as an eyeball, that is to be escaped.

It is said to be escapable by right vision. The effort is to be made only that there should be no future births, not to inhibit present pain.

He identifies once again the cause of what can thus be escaped now:


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