Yoga Sutra 2.39 with firmness in not possessing property, clear knowledge of the conditions of birth

Sūtra II.39

With firmness in not possessing property, clear knowledge of the conditions of birth

becomes his. What is this birth? How does it take place? What do we become (after death), who shall we be and in what circumstances shall we be? Any such desire of his to know his situation in former, later and intermediate states is spontaneously gratified.

Clear knowledge of the conditions of birth: knowledge of how one is born. What is this birth? what is the truth about this birth of mine? How does it take place? by what process? What do we become? after death do we not exist, or do we exist?

Who shall we be and in what circumstances shall we be? Any such desire to know his situation in former, later and intermediate states past, future and present is spontaneously gratified, as a foreshadowing of right vision (samyagdarśana). Since he has no attachment to outer possessions, illumination of the field of his own self appears without effort on his part. But it does not in those who are fevered or depressed or craving for possessions, despite their efforts.

Now the observances are taken up:

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