Yoga Sutra 2.47 samadhi (samapatti) on infinity

Sūtra II.47

By relaxing effort and by samādhi (samāpatti) on infinity

The words ‘it comes about’ are to be supplied at the beginning of the sūtra. By withdrawal of effort, a posture is perfected, in which the limbs do not shift. Or when the mind is in samādhi on the infinite, the posture is perfected.

Now methods of mastering the posture are given. By relaxing effort and by samādhi (samāpatti) on infinity – the words ‘it comes about’ are to be supplied. The corollary is that the posture becomes completely firm. By withdrawal of effort after getting locked into position, or (when it is familiar) by not exerting effort at all; by this withdrawal of effort a posture is perfected in which the limbs do not shift, for it is effort that disturbs the limbs. So the posture thus becomes unmoving. Or by samādhi (samāpatti) on infinity. The universe is infinite, and the state of being infinite is infinity. When the mind attains samādhi on that which stands pervading all existence, the posture is perfected is made firm.

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