Yoga Sutra 3.23 from samyama on friendliness there arise powers

Sūtra III.23

(From saṃyama) on friendliness and the others (compassion and goodwill, sūtra I.33) (there arise) powers

(From saṃyama) on friendliness and the others (compassion and goodwill) (there arise) powers. Friendliness, compassion, and goodwill are the three meditations (bhāvanā, sūtra I.33). Of these, he who practises meditation on friendliness towards happy beings obtains the power of friendliness; he who practises meditation on compassion towards the suffering obtains the power of compassion; he who practises meditation on goodwill towards those of virtuous conduct obtains the power of goodwill.

(Vivaraṇa repeats without comment.)

The samādhi which is produced from the meditation is saṃyama; from that, powers of unbounded energy arise. In regard to the habitually sinful, there is indifference (I.33) but not meditation. There is thus no samādhi on that, and therefore no power from indifference is mentioned, because there is no saṃyama on it.

The samādhi which is produced from meditation (bhāvanā) on friendliness and the other two is saṃyama brought about by firmness in the meditations on friendliness and the others. From that saṃyama on friendliness and the others, powers of unbounded energy arise. But in regard to the habitually sinful, there is indifference to them but not meditation, and so because there is no meditation there is no samādhi on that indifference. And therefore no power from indifference is mentioned, because there is no samādhi on it.

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