Budo Glossary


dan, grade. Those ranking first through fifth dan wear black belts. For sixth through eighth dan the belt has red-and-white stripes. Ninth dan and above wear a red belt.

harai-goshi, hip sweep

ippon. The referee announces ‘ippon* when a contestant throws his opponent largely on his back, when a contestant holds his opponent for 30 seconds, or when a contestant gives up by tapping two or three times with his hand or foot.

jujutsu, an old form of traditional Japanese martial arts, which unlike contemporary Judo involved hitting, kicking, stabbing and slashing.

kouchi-gari, small inner reap osoto-garU large outer reap randoriy free practice tsurikomiy lifting and pulling

waza-ari. The referee announces ‘waza-ari’ when a contestant throws his opponent but when the technique is not sufficient to qualify the attacker for ippon.

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