How to run a six-week meditation class by Trevor Leggett

The room layout

Lay out the room as for a lecture except the front third to have cushions only.
Keep the front row of chairs for the public in that this is to enable them to see, but arrange for several of our members to be sitting on cushions just in front of them so they that they don’t feel “pushed out to the front”
Ask one or two of our members who can sit well to sit sideways at the side of the dias, as models to cut need for explanations


Use a Dr Shastri text wherever possible for the explanation, occasionally quoting it. For example: (Opening sentences of Karma Yoga lecture 26..5 43) “Let us withdraw our mind from all exterior objects. We can do so by taking deep breaths and by restraining them for a convenient time; and when our mind is withdrawn then think of the heart region and think that this is the dwelling place of the Lord of the universe, and stay in that meditation for a short while. If you do so now and every day, then after a few days you will find that you are able to do so without any effort. ”


(Opening of Karma Yoga lecture 30.6. 43:) “Let us prepare our mind to receive the communication of the Truth which, however imperfect, I am going to make to you. Sit still, take a few rhythmic breaths, consciously, deeply, and then focus your attention on your heart. If you do this practice every day for ten or fifteen minutes, you will prepare your mind for the reception of the holy Truth.OM OM OM. ”


(Opening sentences of Karma Yoga lecture 13.10. 43) ” There are two worlds, the world of name and form and the world of consciousness. When the inner world is excessively imposed upon by the outer world it ceases to act, and the best in it remains dormant. Now is the time to refresh the inner world, which can be done by disburdening it of all the outer thoughts and ideas. You can do so by breathing deeply and thinking of your heart region. You can drive out the thoughts and ideas relative to the world of name and form by breathing consciously and concentrating on the heart region. OM OM OM. “

Five Minutes Explanation
Five Minutes Practice


The Line of Light Practice, from the Handbook and the Meditation.
Present a different quote from Dr Shastri each time:

1 …..
2 …..

Stress that this can be done when moving about, waiting etc.,

Explanation Five Minutes
Practice Seven Minutes


Suggest this should be based closely on passages from Dr Shastri’s lectures stating that meditations are not simply elevating dreams, but actual experiences which reveal truth. For example: (26.5. 43 Lecture on Karma Yoga) You can see Jesus if you meditate on him, lift your mind from the objects of the world, forget all your friends, cares, worries and anxieties. It is not an active mind which is precious but a tranquil mind which is really precious. He will reveal Himself to you in glimpses of peace and wisdom and finally in His own form as the disciples saw Him. These things are not figurative, you can verify these expressions if you have faith enough to practise daily. When you have obtained His vision then you will know how to act. At present we act as a blind man walks, depending on circumstances. Man should act inspired by God, that is the real way of action. Any other way of action is a binding force. “

Explanation of the main meditation, which should be kept for six weeks. Suggest each time to try to go deeper into one word or phrase, on the lines of Dr Shastri’s treatment of the point, which can be searched for.

Talk Ten Minutes


Choose a meditation with several key points, one of which can be gone deeper into each week Example: Mundaka III. 2.8

Even as the rivers, giving up name and form,
Rush joyfully down into the deep,
Even so the wise, laying aside name and form,
Are merged in God the highest. (Gandhi’s free translation)

Meditation Practice Ten Minutes

The first week, the whole meditation explained.
The second week, the analogy of the river seeking the sea, very often used by Dr Shastri to exemplify Vichara
The third week, name-and-form, and their laying aside.
Fourth week, what is meant by “the wise” (vidvan, the knower).
Fifth week, God the highest.
Sixth week, “merging”.

Audience could be asked to go deeper into the points each week, and ask questions perhaps after the Meditation Talk, or perhaps, for those who would not care to ask in front of others, to have a couple of stewards to answer them afterwards quietly. (It would be considerate for us also to keep fairly quiet; people who have been affected by something are grateful to be allowed a period to think about it)

Total time: Forty-two Minutes

After the six weeks, a new course, or at any rate a new meditation.

Trevor Leggett 9.10..85

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