Yoga Sutra 4.02 the transformation into another life

Sūtra IV.2

The transformation into another life is implemented by prakṛti

The change of body and senses into another life, when they are transformed into the other life, is implemented by their prakṛti-natures. With the disappearance of the earlier transformation, the corresponding rise of the later transformation comes about by an integrating pervasion of the new parts.

With the disappearance of the earlier transformation, of the previous specific causal condition as established, the corresponding rise of the later transformation comes about by an integrating pervasion of the new parts. How so? Because from a cause of light import, there cannot come about a result of great import: from a raw lump of iron weighing 10 pala-s, can an 80–pala spearhead be produced?

The prakṛti-natures of the body and senses promote their respective forms, by implementing them in accordance with the motivating cause, of righteousness, etc.

The prakṛti-natures of the body and senses promote their respective forms of body or of a sense organ, by implementing them in accordance with the motivating cause, of righteousness (dharma), etc. The word etcetera shows that unrighteousness (a-dharma) also is a cause.

(Opponent) It has been said that they promote their respective forms in accordance with the motivating cause of righteousness, etc. Does this cause, righteousness, etc., impel the prakṛti-natures, or does it not?


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